Obsidian Forest
by Alps Aris Sarsis


I was no coward. I am a canine, after all. We don’t go bouncing across the fields in bleating terror like some little fawn! I got up, bristling and growling at this vixen, letting her know what an alpha was about, since these didn’t play in packs. She’d have to learn eventually, right? If she felt I was a dangerous wolf, like I no doubt appeared, maybe she’d run away, and leave me alone, and let me get out of this forest. 

She looked totally and completely unimpressed. I took a fighting stance, showing my teeth. biting was so .. vile, but I would do it. I would tear some flesh to save my hide, that was for sure. When it comes to my life, I don’t mess around. I had to live to get out of this forest, and learn who I was! She tossed her knife from hand to hand, and then grinned, her tail flicking from side to side. It was the kind of grin that someone gets right before they do something they know is gonna really impress their friends. 

This.. did not bode well at all. I backed up slowly, as she suddenly lunged! I took a swing at her, but she was so fast! She was almost a blur as my hand missed her, and her form smacked into me hard, as if she were many times my size! I sailed back, and then coughed and sputtered as I impacted the ground, winded, and I tried to wrap my arms around her to roll her over and pin her, so I could fight back. 

The vixen grabbed my hands, and slammed them, crossed, above my head, with just one hand, showing that, despite her lean frame, she was very strong. She then used her other hand to put the tip of the knife to my bare chest, the rest of my T-shirt having fallen off in the impact of her body against mine. She pressed the tip in a little, making a rivulet of blood trickle down my ribs, to the grass and leaves under me, as she proved that the knife was sharp. I held still, shaking, watching her. She had me. In a moment, my life would be over. She let go of my hands as they were above my head, and I immediately tried to grab her. She simply smacked my hands away, and then backhanded my muzzle so hard my neck hurt. The sound was impressive too, a loud *clop!* of knuckles on hollow muzzle.

 I could taste the coppery flavor of my blood from my dewlaps. I struggled a little, afraid, and she hit me again! She stayed there, straddling my tummy, as I helplessly struggled, beating me almost cruelly. I took a jab to the nose, and then another cut to the chest, though small, it bled easily, since my heart was pounding so fast. Terror filled me! How long would she torture me? Would she kill me, or incapacitate me and take me home for her tribe to torture and enslave, only to kill late? What was going to happen to me? 

I had to make a decision fast, or my life was over!

Stop struggling, let her do what she likes. She might have mercy if she doesn’t feel threatened.
She’s right there! Hit her. Knock her out, kill her, do anything! You are gonna die! 
She must just want a male. After all, she’s a vixen, and she is straddling you. 


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